Post by Maethius on Feb 8, 2008 12:56:09 GMT -5
The box is pretty darn packed.... I'm glad they divided the inside into 2 chambers with a support down the middle to keep it stronger and more organized.
Post by zed on Feb 8, 2008 15:31:57 GMT -5
Thanks Maethius. I may have to get me a Geno for my birthday. Someone tell Mrs zed the next time you see her ;D More Tiger Pics on << 1999 >>The waist look pretty fragile in pic 2. Nice cockpit details in pic 9. But still not sold. zed
Post by vishus on Feb 8, 2008 17:24:46 GMT -5
There's just not enough armor on the midsection...and that nose. I afraid I'm going to have to pass on this one, especially for the price. Which is very disappointing to me, as the Saber Tiger was one of the releases I was really looking forward to I really liked the design & details of the Shield Ligers and Command Wolves...but the designs seem to be getting a little more off with each successively released kit. First with the Geno's odd proportions and now this Saber
Post by Maethius on Feb 8, 2008 22:46:13 GMT -5
First time I've actually seen cockpit controls on a modern Zoid.... I mean, when was the last time one was created with more than little slashes or bumps as "detail"? Bigasauru and Gojulas were well detailed... Iron Kong has actual controls, but most models just make a space where the pilot fits. Nice work here! I am concerned about the waist, even if I never fiddle with it. My ECW-LC's spine joints SHATTERED when I tried to lift the head, and I was being pretty darned careful. I would build this Saber and let it sit on a shelf.
Older though not necessarily wiser, now with 2 zoids addicted kids O.o
Posts: 608
Post by zabrezed on Feb 9, 2008 2:33:23 GMT -5
l ain't too bothered by the nose at all, but yeah, the waist looks very barren and somewhat fragile looking. Still, its a Sabre Tiger and l've been waiting for one in the worst way ever since these HMM figures started. So yeah, put me down for one NOW!!!!!
Not surprised by the increase in price, with the current price of oil, anyone who collect those Hasbro Marvel figures will note how the multipart figures have shrunk in size compared to the earlier releases in order to keep prices low.
Post by Ernestotaku on Feb 9, 2008 12:00:41 GMT -5
The box is pretty darn packed.... I'm glad they divided the inside into 2 chambers with a support down the middle to keep it stronger and more organized. Believe him, the bladey's box size is needed. It is filled to the top, and the good thing the have done is the "two boxes" inside the big one.
Post by vishus on Feb 9, 2008 13:34:53 GMT -5
This is a little off topic, but...how difficult a build are the Geno & Bladey kits?
Post by hanzkaz on Feb 9, 2008 18:12:28 GMT -5
They're a bit like Gundam Mastergrades - or worse/better.
I'd advise paying a LOT of attention to what you're doing and keeping track of all the parts. It might be a good idea to get a decent glue for some parts. I ended up using quite a bit of glue with my HMM Genosaurer to stop it from falling apart every time if was moved. The other HMM kits weren't quite so fragile but I still glued a few parts. Also, you may find the plastic a bit different from regular Tomy Zoids kits.
And make sure you've got plenty of spare time.
Post by vishus on Feb 9, 2008 19:30:20 GMT -5
I've built the Shieldy and Command Wolf LC kits...I just wondered about the complexity of the GS and BL kits, compared to those.
Post by D00mLiger on Feb 9, 2008 21:34:43 GMT -5
Personally, Shieldy was a complete nightmarish failure. Can't speak for the LC. Bladey is prolly about even with Shieldy complexity-wise, and Geno is a notch lower (thank goodness it's a biped!) As far as sturdiness goes, my Geno and Command Wolf are the only intact HMMs I have; the Blade Liger disintegrated a couple of weeks ago. Save the 'heel' flaps wants to be free, the only thing I can say is watch the torso; if you move the arms around too much (which is actually quite a bit) the whole thing will start to separate at the waist, but it's easily fixed.
As for BL... my take is to find a shelf and put it there. And don't think about it; then the Liger will start shedding its rear legs.
...which all brings me into the "OMG the waist is so skinneh!" crowd. I'll get it and immediately start worrying. Woo.
Post by Xehn on Feb 10, 2008 0:43:37 GMT -5
Doomliger... I've had no problems in the least with my Shieldy. ...Were you the one that left parts out because you couldn't get them in?
That might be why you have trouble with your HMMs...
As far as complexity goes, they're time consuming and repetitive, not complex.
Post by D00mLiger on Feb 10, 2008 8:52:07 GMT -5
Ah yes, that would be me. But I kept in all the important-ish bits, at least on the Blade Liger. On the Shielding a bajillion this broke and I just turned in. At least there the CW has the advantage of being small and compact, while the Geno isn't covered in flaps.
True about the repetitiveness, especially with the Ligers, and definitely the time allocation. I just lump that together with the fact that (at least compared to their 'base' models) they have lots and lots of pieces, many small, and call the whole thing "complexity."
But I ought to keep more stuff on in the future, especially those hoses...
Post by Xehn on Feb 10, 2008 14:43:43 GMT -5
Even leaving out a part that doesn't seem important would add in a LOT of instability. I suggest if you run into problems getting parts to go, take out a knife and shave down the offending area until it fits.
Post by hanzkaz on Feb 10, 2008 16:28:08 GMT -5
To be honest, I tend to find the HMM kits kind of fun to build - except the odd tricky bit here and there. The worst part is waiting for the kit to turn up. Once that box opens, I can't wait to get started. But like I mentioned before, these kits need patience.
I wouldn't try playing with them, though. Just pose them with the BioZoids.
Post by Kyubigan on Feb 10, 2008 20:39:37 GMT -5
Tis is better than Shield Liger. A very sexy tiger. Though my only concern is the nose. It looks a little chunky but overall, the kit looks great.
What would be next? A Helcat? ^^