Post by tmreaver on Nov 10, 2013 6:36:20 GMT -5
Hello, all, long time lurker, first time poster. I've only recently started collecting zoids kits due to previously limited funds.
Which is why I'm in a bit of a bind. See, I bought a Bear Fighter off of Ebay for cheap, and it was in fair condition, EXCEPT for one glaring flaw.
Either it was already like this or it happened in transport, one of the long pegs on the main body, which is key to attaching the front legs, is broken. Snapped right at the base.
Now, I have the piece that broke off, but I have no clue how I should go about reattaching it. Could I get some advice?
Post by Maethius on Nov 10, 2013 14:13:23 GMT -5
Hello, tmreaver! Hard luck on the Bear Fighter, but if you have the piece I would suggest using one of the more industrial solvent glues; the best I've found for 90% of Zoid parts is PC Weld. Just remember to hold the pieces in place and use just a TINY drop... it will melt model plastic into a pool of goo. When I've used it the bond has been almost as strong as injection molded original plastic.
Post by tmreaver on Nov 10, 2013 16:42:00 GMT -5
Thanks, Maethius. Big fan, by the way. I'll try and find some of that glue, I'll most likely have to mail order it though.
Post by Maethius on Nov 13, 2013 11:07:09 GMT -5
Thanks! By the way, remember that any time you end up with duplicate and extra pieces, you have custom fodder just waiting to express itself! ^_^